0. Prologue


Okay then. I was told that this size is pretty good, even though it is small. The natural size of the comic cuts out the whole 'pixilated' problem. I was also told that commentary was good so you get to hear from me ^_^, the annoying webmaster, on what's going on.

So, anyways. This page. This is the first page of the comic but is labeled as comic '0' because it is the narrator's intro page; it doesn't actually have anything to do with the storyline (at least not until the end).

The elf in this picture is the main character, Dake, and yes he is the one talking. You'll just need to wait to find out what he's talking about. ^_^

Oh, and let me know what you like and don't like about the layout and comic; I could use the help. There will be a live journal link up soon for you to comment on pretty soon.

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Story and all characters and original works (c) Shea Britton. You steal, we set Cain on you.