

  The world of Baidhe-Tu has a pyramid class system. Peasants and farm workers are the very bottom of society.  Slightly above them are pirates. Above them are traders and the middle class artisans and slightly higher are the nobility. At the very top is the king. Every species has a different society of the same structure; each has its own low class, middle class, upper class, and (most importantly) their own king.

The peasants and farmers are serf types who do a lot of the manual labor of the society. The pirates hunt the seas and coastlines preying on trade ships. The traders and middle class are usually intellectuals and artisans who aren't remarkably good off, but aren't bad either. The nobility and the king are, typically, very rich and in charge of the rest of their specie's society.




Baidhe-Tu and all related characters, ideas, and original works are (c) Shea Britton unless otherwise specified. You steal; we set Cain on you.