4. Who?


And here he comes to save the daaaaayyyy!!

I won't spoil it and tell you who it is, but you might already know if you've checked out the gallery or the character profiles.

Poor little Dake looks so scared in the second panel. But you can imagine; with a creature like the sheera standing there, it's tongue covered in Dake's own blood. He must be very relieved to see someone standing in the monster's way.

The blank panel that stands for the cheesy sound effect is when the 'savior' shows up.

You'll learn his name with the next page or the one after. Oh, and btw, he isn't human. ;)


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Story and all characters and original works (c) 2004-2005 Shea Britton. All web components, layouts, and other stuff (c) the WebMistresss. You steal, we set Cain on you.