9. Hidukul


Heheheh, Tommy's dad looks exactly like him. Kinda funny. Poor little Dake, so clueless. He doesn't know that he's about to lose the only real family he's got left. *tear*

And here we finally start getting into the real plot! Woot! (at least I hope it's the real plot. Guess who refuses to give me spoilers. -.-)

Hrn, anyways, that mass in teh background of the first panel is trees and that little line by Dake is the line of the butterfly's flight. We're almost at the end of chapter one, so don't expect to see little Dake for much longer.

Also, there should be regular daily updates for quite a little while after today (unless my ftp prescription runs out, which it might, and if that happens there won't be anything for quite a while)Lastly, check out the forums! Three out of four of us got really awesome sigs. Thanx for that can be accredited to Fair_Maiden_Insane.
Thanx! ^_^

- The Web Mistress-

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