11. Foreshadow



Last page of this chapter! And it's coooool. i personally like the shading here, hope you do too. However, the comic is getting foreshadowing.

"someday he'll be your father" dundun duuuunnnnn...  What could that possibly mean?! *Gasp*
Guess we'll find out ..... in Chapter 2!

Which will start early next week when the artist's short break is done. Actually it's not much of a break, she just needs to finish the banner, but still; the next update will be sometime early next week.

Oh, and watch out. The comic's gonna be getting a much stricter rating pretty soon and then every one under about 16 had better go. We will not be held responsible, or flamed, by anyone who believes stuff like what will be here should not be put up. If ya don't like it, don't read it.

(not to scare anyone away, but I've heard people actually do flame like that)

Nighty night,                
- The Web Mistress-

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Story and all characters and original works (c) 2004-2005 Shea Britton and all web layouts and setup stuff (c) the Web Mistress unless otherwise specified. You steal, we set Cain on you.