Chapter 3


Awwww! Cute!

That's Samsol; a new character. You'll be meeting him pretty soon. It will be.... a surprise.... when you do. It will happen during a kind of plot twist and it will also happen when things start to get a whole lot darker, especially for Tommy.

Well, you'll find out.

Oh! Rath Illuser! Thanks for joining the forum!


Our first reader from an outside source!

I'll update Samsol's cast page soon, saying his first appearance was on page 30, and I'll also update Cain's with his height and junk.


Oh, yeah, the artist says she didn't have time to color this page; that's why the cover's in black and white.

But it still looks good. ^_^

- The Web Mistress-

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Story and all characters and orciginal works (c) 2004-2005 Shea Britton and all web layouts and setup stuff (c) the Web Mistress unless otherwise specified. You steal, we set Cain on you.