5. Changing



This page is cyute!

Poor little Dake blushes so much! I wonder what he's doing? Actually, I already know, but do you?

He, lessee, the only really uncertain thing about this comic is the order the panels come in in the first three I think it jumps from the top left to the right to the bottom left to the bottom of the page but I'm not sure.


Dake is gonna be traumatized for life!

He looks so funny...

Although I am wondering why there aren't really any backgrounds and why the few that are there all look the same or, if they're not, they're out of perspective in many spots...

Oh, well..

It's still cute

And we're gonna see what little Dake is gonna do with that dress in a comic real soon!


- The Web Mistress-

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Story and all characters and orciginal works (c) 2004-2005 Shea Britton and all web layouts and setup stuff (c) the Web Mistress unless otherwise specified. You steal, we set Cain on you.