14. Leaving


So now we find out what's going on. It's a major event, but it'll pass fairly quickly. Shea wants to get to the actual meat of the story so don't expect a lot of preplay.

Lessee... I have no idea who that is supposed to be in the second panel. A stick figure. I also don't know what is up with Tommy's dad. As far as I could tell before, he wasn't that short. Or that innocent looking. And their hair looked almost the same, not dark and light... And I woulda thought Tommy would hide behind Tommy, not his dad. And why is Hidukul so casual looking? Wasn't he just at a ball?

The demon looks real good except I'm not sure how exactly it's in the floor. It doesn't look like it has any arms, but maybe that's cause it's only supposed to be the shoulders and up showing? Dunno.

Also, maybe it's because the page was done in less then a half hour at midnight.

Heehee, that tree is cute in the second to last panel.



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