33. Colored Pencil


Wow, pretty colored pencil.

And apparently the room is green. Even if we don't get to see it. -.-

Oh! And that's Samsol in color. Blue and more blue. Hence the fact that he said, on the last page, that his favorite color was blue.

Wonder what Dake's new clothes are gonna look like?

And why he has to wear them?


I still think Eila's sleeves are weird.

Maybe the author can't draw hands well?


Everything's themed! or looks like it. Eila's all purple, Samsol's all blue, and Dake's all green. Well, except his hair. Wonder if that pattern will continue?

Oh, and I can't find any tech errors with this page. Must be a first.


's a good page.

- The Web Mistress-

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