37. The Other Master


Uh oh

It sure doesn't look good for Tommy, does it?

That's his new home and his new master, Cain.

And I'm betting that collar is not going to come off the way Dake's does.

Cain isn't a nice guy and you're just gonna see more of that later. In fact, he's the 'big bad guy' and he does much worse things then putting a collar Tommy.

But you'll find out about those things later.

And, I'm not sure, but I think this is where the comic's gonna get graphic. Hence, the NC-17 rating. Don't worry though, I'll do something as a warning when that happens. Not sure what yet, but I'll do something.

Hmmm... I can't really find anything wrong with this page. The door's a little off in the last panel and Tommy's hair and the leash intersect a little, but that's okay.

Cain looks good here. ^_^

- The Web Mistress-

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Story and all characters and original works (c) 2004-2005 Shea Britton and all web layouts and setup stuff (c) the Web Mistress unless otherwise specified. You steal, we set Cain on you.