4. Run Away!



I guess the stick figures are a bit weird. Especially of Tommy.

But it's all good.

And apparently it was Cain holding Tommy's leash. He was just being mean about it and holding it down so it pulled on his neck.


Suits Cain.

Although I am VERY surprised Tommy actually hid behind Cain's legs. Considering what Cain's done to him.

I mean, I know he doesn't want Cain to get a hold of Dake, that's why he doesn't want to talk, but behind Cain?



Poor Dake is gonna be so sad and confused...

wonder where Samsol is? Still staring at meat most likely. >.<

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Story and all characters and original works (c) 2004-2005 Shea Britton and all web layouts and setup stuff (c) the Web Mistress unless otherwise specified. You steal, we set Cain on you.