24. Leaving



I dunno.

It looks a bit off.

And what break is Tommy talking about?

Cain isn't home so he's pretty much doing whatever he wants, right?

Last panel is really cute.

But also a bit odd

And Dake's ears are missing in the same panel.

Maybe they're hidden by his hair.

Oh, and if you want me to continue commentary, say something in the tagboard or send me a message (my email's gonna be added to the statement about me)

Cuz I've gotten a lot of complaints about later pages and other stuff that I've put off because I didn't have the time. Cutting out the text might not speed up the process, but it would a little and that's what people are asking for.

- The Web Mistress-

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Story and all characters and original works (c) 2004-2006 Shea Britton and all web layouts and setup stuff (c) the Web Mistress unless otherwise specified. You steal, we set Cain on you.